My best to all Garamania readers and fellow hardcore Gara-fans out there!
I've come to know a lot of incredible people through this obsessive little outlet in the very brief time it's been up and running. I want to thank all of you for your great support, both Garamonious and personal, over the course of this very weird year.
And a huge NYE thanks to the ever-awesome Alex Wald, who provided the great image above! Too rocking, Sir!
At long last! Two BEAUTIFUL new color versions from Yamanaya! Superb!
These are the sixth and seventh versions of this timelessly great sculpt, and the first new ones to hit since 2004, when Yamanaya released the lovely silver and blue version.
Marmit's done Garamon many times before (and with great style), but this is their most realistic, suit-faithful take thus far, and as such it's sort of underwhelming. I would have expected them to do something with a bit more sculptural pizzazz, to add to the Gara-toy canon. Oh well. (Sorry for no Japanese tags on this post; my Japanese character display is still all facacta from re-formatting this machine... will fix soon.)
Herr Ragone sent over some great scans from this mag, which he's owned from the time of its original release in '79:
First up, we have a couple of interesting snaps taken at promotional appearances. Not sure if there was actually someone in the suit or not at these events; my guess would be not.
Here's an appearance at the Mukougaoka Playgrounds in Kawasaki (just southwest of Tokyo):
... and here's one at an unnamed department store:
Then we have these great color shots taken on the set of Ultra Q episode 16, "Garamon Strikes Back".
I puzzled over a title for this post... "Metal Up Your Gary"? "Metalgary: The Destruction of Jared-Syn"?*
I think I made a good choice, in the end.
This was up on YJA last year for pretty big yen. Kinda cool... ambitious...
*If you get this reference... I have to ask, have you actually seen that godawful crapfest? If so, you are the only other person I've encountered who has. I partly blame the article about it in Starlog (which made it look... well... interesting enough) for my suggestion to my dad that we go see it...
Totally stumbled across the news of this event this morning, while reading the Freeps:
What a surprise... wow!
While I probably won't make it down this weekend (I live a few hours from Brattleboro; too bad- Mothra on the big screen will be a hoot), I applaud their efforts, and hope this first year is a big success for them!
Yes, 'twas on September 4th, a scant 42 years ago, that a certain pygmy monster made his first broadcast appearance, on episode 8 of Ultraman, "The Lawless Monster Zone". This friendly animal proved to a be a selfless little hero and an inspiration to all those who came in contact with him. Plus, damn, could he take a dart-tagging. Didn't even flinch!
PaulKaijuarrives at the party with a dee-licious celebratory custom, done just for the occasion!
Matt Allison presents this fine close-up portrait of The Spiny One!
And NORDBOT provides photo-documentation of some very special proceedings (click it)!
Now... let's have some food!
And music!
(Greasebat manages these guys; contact him directly with booking queries.)